LEARN and CREATE – the “Stylized flower” beaded bead - part 2

CONTINUATION: the "Stylized flower"

  • pass the left thread through the next and last seed bead of the central daisy part and go up through the first Pinch bead, this is the one you picked up at the beginning
  • if you have a closer look at the petals, you will see that there are two seed beads at the top of each petal

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 1, 2 seed beads at the top between leaves

  • as a consequence and to finish the first round you need to pick up one seed bead with each thread as well as a single Pinch bead on one side

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 1, add 2 seed beads and 1 Pinch bead

  • cross the threads through the single Pinch bead to finish the first round

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 1, crossing threads in Pinch bead, leaf 5

Second round: in this round you create five new daisy centers

  • with the left thread pick up a seed bead, a Pinch bead, a seed bead, a Pinch bead and another seed bead

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 2, start

  • cross the threads through the last seed bead

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 2, cross thru seed bead

  • pass the right thread through the next two seed beads

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 2, pass thru next 2 seed beads

  • as a consequence you have three seed beads, one sitting after the other
  • with the left thread pick up two seed beads and cross the threads through the last seed bead to create a new central daisy of five beads

Stylized flower, beaded bead - round 2, add 2 seed beads to center

  • to move to the next daisy center pass the right thread through the next Pinch bead
  • with the left thread pick up a Pinch bead, a seed bead, a Pinch bead, a seed bead and cross the threads through the last seed bead
  • pass the right thread through the next two seed beads
  • to complete the center of the daisy, pick up two more seed beads with your left thread and cross the threads in the last seed bead
  • to move to the next daisy center pass the right thread through the next Pinch bead
  • with your left thread (the one still coming out of the last daisy center) and to bridge the gap to your next daisy center, pick up Pinch bead, a seed bead, a Pinch bead, a seed bead and cross the threads through the last seed bead
  • pass your right thread through the next two seed beads
  • pick up two seed beads with your left thread and cross the threads once again through the last seed bead
  • to move to the next daisy center pass the right thread through the next Pinch bead

SEE - part 3

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